국제지속가능관광위원회 아시아·태평양 국제 컨퍼런스 15일 군산서 개막

2022-09-15     정영욱 기자

2022 국제지속가능관광위원회(GSTC) 아시아·태평양 국제 컨퍼런스(이하 국제 컨퍼런스)가 군산서 시작됐다.

국제 컨퍼런스가 이달 15일부터 17일까지 사흘 간 군산 새만금컨벤션센터에서 열린다. 

이날 개회식에는 김관영 도지사와 윤순희 새만금개발청 차장, 강임준 시장, 체코·프랑스 등 관광청 관계자 등 주요 인사와 400여명의 관광, 생태 등 지속가능 관광 전문가들이 참석했다.

이번 국제 컨퍼런스는 전북지역의 뛰어난 자연‧문화 자원을 보존‧관리하여 전라북도가 세계적 관광도시로 거듭날 수 있는 발판을 마련하고자 기획됐다.

15일에는 개회식과 기조연설, 마이스 활성화 포럼, WITH 포럼, 문화관광 외교 포럼이 시작된다. 

이어 16일에는 지속가능 관광지 관리, 어트랙션 등 지속가능관광 목적지에 관해 전 세계 지속가능 관광 분야의 전문가들의 강연과 토론으로 진행된다.

마지막 17일에는 경기전, 한옥마을 등 현장방문을 통해 전주지역의 아름다운 관광자원을 소개한다.

특히 폐회식에서 전문가와 관계자들이 강연과 토론을 통해 도출된 ‘새만금 선언문’을 발표해 관광부문의 지속가능한 발전과 다양한 이해 관계자들의 참여를 촉진할 계획이다.

전북도는 이번 국제컨퍼런스를 기점으로 지속가능한 관광을 위해 힘쓰고 있는 다양한 국제기구‧단체, 지방정부 간의 우수정책 교류활동과 지식 공유를 정례화할 방침이다.  

이어 국제적 네트워크를 점진적으로 확대해 나갈 전망이다.

또한 전라북도 새만금이 지속가능 관광의 중심지가 될 수 있도록 다양한 전문가와 관계자의 의견 수렴을 지속해 나갈 계획이다.

전북도측은 “이번 국제행사를 계기로 우리도가 아시아·태평양을 넘어 세계 지속가능 관광의 큰축이 되도록 한 걸음 앞서 나갈 것”이라고 말했다.

한편 이번 국제컨퍼런스는 전북도가 지난 8월 GSTC, 새만금개발청, 군산시와 함께 지속가능한 관광 활성화를 위한 MOU 체결을 통해 이뤄졌다.

새만금 선언(Saemangeum Declaration)

 '2022 GSTC 아시아·태평양 지속가능관광 콘퍼런스' 참가자들은 회의기간 발표와 토론의 결과에 동의하고, 다음과 같이 공동 행동의 필요성에 인식을 같이한다.

 지속가능관광은 자연보전, 기후변화 대응, 지역경제 활성화 등 인류에 다양한 혜택을 제공하고, 나아가 유엔 새천년발전목표, 지속가능발전목표 및 대한민국 제4차 관광개발기본계획 핵심목표 달성에 적절한 도구이다.

 지속가능관광은 지난 30년간 세계적인 관심과 지지를 얻었으나, Covid 19와 같은 팬더믹, 실행력 있는 전략수립 미흡, 재원 및 지역사회 관심 부족 등 사업실행을 위한 제도적 개선책 마련이 필요한 상황이며,

 서로 다른 이해관계자의 욕구 이해, 갈등해소 뿐만 아니라 환경적, 사회문화적, 경제적 목표까지 달성할 수 있는 최적의 수단이 될 수 있도록 보다 전략적인 접근이 필요하다.

 이에 콘퍼런스 참가자들은 관광부문의 지속가능한 발전과 다양한 이해관계자들의 참여를 촉진하기 위하여 다음사항을 권고하고자 한다.

1. 지속가능관광 가치 확산을 위하여, 콘퍼런스에 참석한 기관·단체는 상호 협력과 신뢰를 바탕으로 새만금을 넘어 전라북도가 지속가능관광의 모델이 될 수 있도록 노력한다.

2. 전 세계 지속가능관광 관련 정보와 지식 그리고 경험을 공유하고, 발전 전략 논의를 위한 아시아·태평양 지속가능관광 네트워크를 구축한다.

  - 특히 훼손 위험에 처해 있는 아시아·태평양 지역 도시의 지속가능관광의 구체적인 실행계획과 활성화 등 발전전략 수립이 필요하다.

3. 각 지역 정부와 협력 기관들로부터 지속가능관광 활성화를 위한 재정지원을 이끌어 내고, 특히 전문인력 양성과 제도 확충에 중점을 둔다.

 2022년 9월 16일 대한민국 군산시 새만금 일원에서 개최된 『2022 GSTC 아시아·태평양 지속가능관광 콘퍼런스』에서 위와 같이 선언하고자 한다


(참고 2)새만금 선언문(영문)

Saemangeum Declaration

The participants of the “2022 GSTC Asia-Pacific Conference” have agreed with the results from the presentations and discussions conducted during the event, and shared the view that there is a need for joint action as follows.

Sustainable tourism provides various benefits to mankind such as nature conservation, climate change response, local economic revival, and others. It is an ideal way for helping achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and the key objectives in the fourth national tourism development plan of Korea.

Sustainable tourism has garnered global interest and support during the past 30 years. Yet, measures for improving its institutional systems are needed for program/project implementation under the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, inadequate strategies to translate the concept into actions, lack of financial resources and local community support, etc.

It requires more strategic approaches to develop sustainable tourism into an optimal means that can understand the needs of and resolve conflicts between different stakeholders and further, can achieve environmental, socio-cultural, and environmental goals.

Against this background, the Conference participants recommend the following actions with the aims to develop tourism in a sustainable manner and facilitate the participation of a wide range of stakeholders.

1. To spread the values of sustainable tourism, the institutions and organizations participating in the conference, based on mutual cooperation and trust, will strive to transform Jeollabuk-do, not only Saemangeum, into a model of sustainable tourism.

2. The participating entities will develop an Asia-Pacific sustainable tourism network in order to share information, knowledge and experience related to the global sustainable tourism, and discuss its development strategies.

- There is a particular need for setting up development strategies for those cities that are at risk of being ruined in the Asia Pacific region, including a concrete action plan for sustainable tourism and how to boost it.

3. Individual governmental bodies and partner organizations will gain financial support to boost sustainable tourism with a particular focus on nurturing  professionals and scaling-up its institutional systems.

The above statement is declared at the “2022 GSTC Asia-Pacific Conference” held on September 16, 2022 in Saemangeum, Gunsan-si, Republic of Korea.